Friday, May 14, 2010

What does freshly killed rabbit taste like? How do you like to cook your big bunny and for what reasons?

How should I prepare and cook the rabbit I just killed tonight? From stew to straight bunny and brew,how do you do? What are some excellent recipes for rabbit?... Thanks for all the information... Lot's of love... OliviaaWhat does freshly killed rabbit taste like? How do you like to cook your big bunny and for what reasons?
Logan is right--rabbit tastes like rabbit, not chicken. It has a very mild flavor and is very tender.

Most mistakes happen with wild game when you try to prepare them like domestic game.

My mom used to cut the rabbit into pieces, dredge in flour after a milk/egg bath, then brown in hot grease.

Drain on a wire rack, (if you drain on a paper towel, the grease will soak in and give the meat a greasy taste), then put in a slow cooker or roaster with two cans of Golden Mushroom soup. Cook on low for a couple of hours until the meat comes off the bone easily.

I like mine served over rice!

Enjoy--don't let the trolls discourage you from enjoying your rabbit!

TimWhat does freshly killed rabbit taste like? How do you like to cook your big bunny and for what reasons?
I hope you've skinned and gutted the rabbit already. If you didn't clean it before the tummy started to swell, the smell will be absolutely horrible. Rabbits tastes a lot like chicken. Deep fried rabbits taste very good. You can fry them with or without batter. If you soak rabbit in salt water and white wine before you cook it, the meat texture will change and taste even better. Most recipe for chicken will work for rabbit. Rabbit meat could be dry and tough sometimes. If you have a big or old rabbit on hand, I'd recommend that you tenderize and marinade the meat in seasonings and some corn starch over night; the meat will become a lot less chewy.
See now, theres some misinformation in here. RABBIT tastes like RABBIT, chicken tastes like chicken.

Rabbits are red meat, chicken is white meat. Its like comparing beef to pork, IT AINT THE SAME!

Now, my two favorite ways to prepare rabbit involve a fry pan or a grill.

Fry method(same way my dad cooked it when I was young), take flour, pepper and salt, mix together to your taste, this will be your breading.

Set fry pan to medium-high heat, add a small amount of Crisco, just enough to coat the pan. Once heat is attained, add rabbit and sear both sides, remove rabbit, turn heat to medium and return rabbit once temp is reached. Now let this cook slowly over the medium heat, adding enough Busch beer to cover the meat.

This will not boil but will roll slowly. Once the beer has evaporated, the meat is ready to eat.

Grill method-, Prepare meat with meat rub made from a mixture of chili powder, pepper, Johnnys salt(seasoning salt) brown sugar, and a pinch of garlic powder.(equal parts of everything but the garlic, you can go heavy on the sugar) Allow meat to set with rub on it for at least two hours.

Allow coals to settle, no large flame. Oil your grate so the meat wont stick. Place the meat on grill, this will take about 45-50 minutes. About 10 minutes into cooking, slather meat with your favorite bbq sauce, and keep meat covered with sauce until the meat begins to ';shrink'; or pull away from the bone, and then its done cooking.
You want to hear something funny. Sometimes I will practice my deer cuts on a rabbit.

It has most of the same cuts just infinitly smaller. I gut and skin then seperate just above the hipbone.

I cut the straps out, debone and separate the different cuts using a pair of scissors.

Tedious process but give me lots of practice and some really great meat without having to go through the slow cooking process.

It taste like chicken my parents had about 100 of them.I hope your not eating roadkill! You skin them,hang them upside down outside or over the sink so the blood drains out.You remove the guts,the intestines and all that.You will need a sharp knife.After that soak it in saltwater about 2 hours then rinse it again and cut it up .You can dip it in egg then roll it some flour salt and pepper.Next bake or deep fry till done. We raised then and it was great.
taste like chicken, i like to skin em gut em hang them for a little while then joint them and slow cook on the bbq or cap fire

the young ones are best eating
How cruel!

My life-to me- means as much as that rabbit's life is to him.

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