Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I need to find a good hairball formula for my rabbit?

I want to find one at petco or petsmart, but when i checked on the net, i could only find cat hairball treatment. Can i use the cat kind?

or is there a medication I missed online?I need to find a good hairball formula for my rabbit?
Well, normally hay does most of the work, but Papaya Enzyme Tablets help. Once you get it, give one per day per 5 lb. body weight. The fruit itself also helps hairballs but they should be given as treats.

Or, if you don't want that, give several small sized pineapple pieces. Comfrey leafs also help.

Here are some places that sell the tablets that you can order online:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

(Oxbow Papaya Tablet)I need to find a good hairball formula for my rabbit?
my vet recommended pineapple juice
We have a rabbit who is a long hair (american fuzzy lop) we give her papaya pills from GNC they are orange colored and taste good. She chews them and the enzymes help her digestion. I always give her lots of fresh hay to keep things moving through her fast. (Alfalfa hay) I also give her pineapple juice sometimes for the enzymes in the pineapple or a piece of pineapple.

Rabbits don't get hairballs. They cannot throw up like a cat can. If your rabbit stops drinking it may need to go to the vet to get subQ fluids given to it to save it's life. We have had to do that at home from time to time. Of course my sister is a nurse, so she can stick the needle in under the skin and give the rabbit the fluids and not hurt it, but I couldn't, so I would just take it to the vet if it was me alone. Your rabbit needs to drink always and if you ever notice it stops drinking you need to worry about it. It needs to drink and poop every day. That is how you tell it is healthy. If it is grooming and swallows hair, it will come out in the poop if it has enough hay and fluids. It will just go right on through with everything else. Mine never gets bound up anymore. We havent' had to give it any fluids for about 1 1/2 years.

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