Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What is the proper way handling a rabbit ?

the problem is if i hold my bunny i pick it up with its ears with the support from his but, and another way is handling him from his belly and its but to , but my bunny dont much lie it, and he really wants to let go , scratching around and sometimes he can scratch me and im afraid to do it again cause i have a lot of sratches. does he dont want to be handle , or he is not comfortable of how i handle him, any advice ?What is the proper way handling a rabbit ?
WHAT? You pick him up by the ears?! ARE YOU SICK?!!!! His ears are most probably dislocated. NEVER do that.

Firstly, when you pick him up wear something decent so you don't get scratched. Secondly clip his claws on a regular basis, the more blunt they are the less scratches you'll get. I've owned rabbits all of my life and I only get scratched maybe once a month at most, picking them up everyday. Has he got a lot of loose skin at the back of his neck/middle back? If so then you can quickly pick him up by that (his scruff) and support his rump. Rabbits dislike being held. So I advise you to pick him up only when you need to.What is the proper way handling a rabbit ?
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HOW DUMB ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rabbit ears are very fragile! Never hold one by the ears!

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