Friday, May 14, 2010

What's best for removing/reducing the smells from my pet rabbit?

I clean his cage regularly but he smells awful, particularly his urine. He was neutered which I thought would reduce the smell but it's just as bad months later. He's been checked out and he's not ill, just stinky. Rabbit owners: what works for you for keeping the smell to a minimum?What's best for removing/reducing the smells from my pet rabbit?
I have a female and she is not spayed.I clean her cage once a week but for some reason some weeks she stinks half way through. So before I lay down her new wood chips I put down a little bit of kitty litter deodorizer. Not alot but a sprinkle in the corner where she does her business. It seems to do the trick.

Have you tried to litter train them??? Then you could clean that every few days like a cat box. Word of warning though...if they like to dig I would advise against it...its messy.What's best for removing/reducing the smells from my pet rabbit?
i have two male rabbits they are not neutered and dont smell that bab so i am sorry i cant help in this case :( but hopefuly he wont smell for long its proberly just the winter :) GoOd LuCk!! : )
I would suggest that if you dont already use one then start to use animal disinfectant sprays. they help me. spray on the hutch or cage and couple of times on the surfaces and equipment that is used nside your rabbits hutch or cage. You can also buy special pet safe air fresheners so they might help keep the smell down for you aswell. Try to buy minty or sented woodshaving for your pet these are what i use and they help me. Pets at home sell LAVENDER and LEMON sented ones. I use both but not at the same time.
rabbits are way to smelly for me, especially boys. i've had a few %26amp; have learned other rodents don't smell as bad. anyway what type of cage is he in? if you are caging him in a wooden hutch, that may be the problem. wood absorbs smells, no matter how much you clean it, it will still smell. try to put him in a wire cage w/ a plastic bottom. those are easier to clean %26amp; it will give your boy better ventalation. you can buy cage wipes that are for sanitation %26amp; smell. also try to buy the bunny wipes, whip his fur down every couple days. it may also just be the winter time. you house is probablly all closed up %26amp; come summer time you will be able to open windows. it may not smell so bad, you may just have to deal for the cold months. . good luck.
i have exactly the same situation with my rabbits. even though she gets cleaned out alot. dont try anythin like Oust coz the mix u get from the 2 smells is almost just as bad! same as with all cheap room sprays. i find there is no way to mask the smell, but if you clean the cage regularly and disinfect everything (as it sounds like you do) just put newspaper down underneath the wood shavings and it shouldnt end up as bad!

but believe me, i know what you are going through! lol
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