Thanks in advance.Convince my parents to get me a pet rabbit?
Well, you say you know that you can care for them, just remind your parents that you can also, by making a presentation, a booklet or a report about rabbit care and how much things will cost, and even how you will keep making the money to pay for essentials for the bunny.
Also, perhaps take your parents to the pet shop to have a look at different rabbits, their breeds, food and supplies, and especially their hucthes and cages, and prove to them that you have enough room and money for all of this.
You could also include the fact that your guinea pig (that you have kept happy and healthy for a long time) may pass away soon, and then you would have no animals to teach you responsibility. However, if they still say no, be happy that you have your gorgeous guinea pig and keep him/her well fed and cared for, once he/she unfortunately passes away (i know its very sad :( and not nice to think about) but perhaps they would agree to a bunny then, just follow my advice and be patient, should help! Good luck, and good luck for your Guinea Pig! xConvince my parents to get me a pet rabbit?
So, a typical rabbit story.
I hope you are aware of the responsibility that a rabbit requires. They start to smell FAST. Like within two days, which could pose a problem if it is being housed inside. So take that into consideration when choosing a cage. They also need emotional stumulation, clean water, food, and a quiet home.
However, If you're like me, and are not deterred by these things, just explain to your parents at dinner why you believe you are responsible enough to care for one, that they won't even notice he is in the house, and pose a good point. They will give in. I know how people consider rabbits, and really, you have more to lose than they do, so it will work.
Keep in mind that rabbits are prone to heart attacks and need to be kept quiet and away from excessive noise.
Im glad your deciding to take one into your home, and I hope more so that you do not purchase one from a pet store. I know they're irresistable but they will sicken so much faster, they are most likely inbred, and will not live half as long.
I currently have over a hundred domestic rabbits living on my reserve, and trust me, pet store bunnies only end in heartache.
Good Luck!
Dr Dylan James
^^^ Not so much.. rabbits are a lot of work.. as much work as any dog or cat. They can live to be 8-10 years old with proper food, housing and treatment.
Rabbits are the most docile if spayed or neutered. Rabbits need a quiet home, and plenty of time out of their cage... Mine spend at least 15 hours out each day in their exercise pen.
If you already knew all this, great!
Some kids have had a lot of success with presenting their case for a bunny with pamphlets/slide show :)
As long as your parents know exactly what they're getting into.... If you like, you can join Rabbits Online, and ask more questions there.. your parents could ask us anything they like, and we'll answer it. It's a great community.. over 7000 friendly rabbit owners/breeders.
Well they are easy to manage, basically look after themselves, they eat all the grass so you NEVER have to cut it, they are ADORABLE, Hutches arent really that expensive and you could make 1 depending on what size the rabbit is, plus they are a lot of fun!
Make a bet with them.
Ask them to quiz you about rabbits. If you get all the answers right, you can have a rabbit, if you get them wrong, you'll stop nagging them.
Make sure ya study!
Try asking them if you can have a dwarf rabbit as they get on very well with guinea pigs, they dont grow too big and are very managerable.
try telling them 9it will be all of your responsibility etc. hope i helped
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