Sunday, January 24, 2010

How do you take care of a newborn bunny rabbit that you found hurt outside?

A cat clawed it in the bushes were we could not stop it one leg is badley injured and the other is bleeding we live in mathews NC. And charlotte cant help us because we live in mathews and mathews said to let it hop off i need adviseHow do you take care of a newborn bunny rabbit that you found hurt outside?鈥?/a>

There is a section on rabbits. Follow to the letter her instructions and get the baby to a vet on Monday.

And lock up that damn cat!How do you take care of a newborn bunny rabbit that you found hurt outside?
Call this organization and explain the situation. They should be able to advise you on the nearest Wildlife Rehabilitator.

This Bunny must be seen by a professional ASAP, if he's to have any chance at recovery.

If this is your cat, please consider making it into an inside only pet. This is far safer for the cat, less worry for you, and will reduce the impact that cats are having on the wildlife.
Hi there, over the years, we have done a similar thing with injured animals. I once found a baby hedghog squealing trapped on a bit of land submerged above a river, It was obviously lost and about to drown, so we took it home and looked after it.

Now here's the thing............To keep this hedgeog going, we had to dig worms for it EVERY DAY, we also gave it cat food i think, but what i'm saying is, if you are serious about saving this rabbit, you are going to have to feed it as much as it needs. You have to be dedicated to it's care.

I would strongly advise, taking it to the vet as soon as you possibly can, and get them to give you the milk formula that the rabbit will need, and any other food they advise to to give it.

Then you will have to feed it several times a day, even once or twice through the night.

All the best!
Did you try taking it to a vet? Once I found a newborn baby bunny at the end of my neighbors driveway that they had run over with their truck. We tried to take care of it until we could get it to a vet but it died on the way there. So I'd tell you to get it to a vet asap!

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