Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How can I build a cheap rabbit pen for my boy rabbit that he cannot dig or jump over. I cannot spend too much?

I cannot spend too much money on this but i need a safe place outside for bunnyHow can I build a cheap rabbit pen for my boy rabbit that he cannot dig or jump over. I cannot spend too much?
Just a wooden frame with chicken wire covering the openings. Some straw or hay or such at the bottom. That would be about the cheapest, if you just need a barebones cheap fix for now.How can I build a cheap rabbit pen for my boy rabbit that he cannot dig or jump over. I cannot spend too much?
If you have a scrap lumber yard in your area it's the best place to get cheep lumber that's what i did for my bunny..Some hard where cloth for the bottom so his feet don't go through the holes and some chicken wire for the body of the cage i would put legs on it so the poo and pee can run out the bottom a small door so you can put his food in and take him out when needed.. I did a drawing how I wanted her cage then had my brother give me a hand and we built her a nice cage...With the hard where cloth the Timothy hay dose not fall through as easy
Easiest, cheapest pens: NIC panels, cable ties. Look in here for ideas:鈥?/a>

If you cannot find NIC panels at a local target or good will store, you can try pegboard to tie together with nylon zip ties... watch out, as buns might chew through them. But they will fold up,and are quick and cheap to make. No tools needed..maybe a sidecutter(wire cutter) to cut off cable ties if you make a mistake.
get lots of wood and make it into a box shape. add loads of hay so he doesn't get cold at night. then attach it to another bit ..... for the other bit, make a huge run out of 8 bits of wood into a cube and chicken wire to join it all together. put it on grass if you want him to eat it, or on concrete, which will keep his nails short.

or buy a proper hutch and just join it to the run with a hole cut into the chicken wire (protected with wood so he doesn't cut himself) then he has the best of both worlds

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