Friday, January 22, 2010

My new rabbit has a bald patch what is it?

It is on the back of her neck and looks like dry skin, she is fine in herself eating plenty and running around.My new rabbit has a bald patch what is it?
i have a rabbit take it 2 the vet right away!!!!!!My new rabbit has a bald patch what is it?
could be fleas, if the rabbit is scratchin alot then there is a special powder u can buy from the vets
shes scratching it
This is starting to sound like a fungal infection...something similiar to athlete's foot. Try putting on an antifungal cream on her bald spot twice a day for anywhere from 7 to 10 days....and see where that gets you. If the hair starts growing back, then it was a fungal infection. If it doesn't then you'll need to take it to a vet. Please, whatever you do, make sure everyone washes their hands after handling the rabbit. Best of luck to you..........
Hi,take her to the vets for a check up.If your short on money go to the RSPCA.
More of a dog and cat person but must say I麓m in agreement with most of the other answers, it could be a variety of problems. There are however a number of good veterinary American and English websites. It麓s worth doing a search and presenting your problem to a few of them as they don麓t always agree.This saved my cats life after a real vet misdiagnosed. Good luck!
Okay, seriously. Who just takes any antifungal cream they have and puts it on an animal? You don't give animals human medication. You're not a veterinarian, so don't give people medical advice, at least not regarding their animals. It's misleading and she'd probably harm the rabbit more than help it.

Your rabbit probably has mites or fleas. Mites can be microscopic, so even if you can't see them, they can be present on the animal. Or, maybe your rabbit's pulling her hair out because she's having a false pregnancy. All female rabbits need to be spayed around 6 months of age.

I suggest taking her to the vet ASAP. You can find a list of rabbit-savvy veterinarians here:
perhaps its a scar, but I would get you bunny checked out to be on the safe side.
I'm afraid your new rabbit is really an old rabbit.
It could be nerves. However, I would take her to the vet.

Good luck.
It might be mites. You should definately take her to the vet.
im pretty sure it's mites. they are blood-sucking insects that cause bald spots. my guinea pig had them once, and to help her, we took her out of her cage, then put her in a temporary one while we totally sanitized her usual cage. then we took her to the vet and he gave us some cream to put on her spot twice a day.

or it could be a type of fungus, in which case your vet will also give you a cream.

hope she feels better!
shes losing her hare..... lol not funny i know

may be a skin condition, many animals get them and scratch themselves....

might be worth taking her to vet to be sure -best to know for definate
The rabbit most likely has fur mites. Take it to the vet and he can inject it with a medicine to kill them or give you a powder or liquid to put on them to get rid of them.
Mites, kind of like fleas. Take them to the vet who will confirm it and then give her a jab that makes her blood poisious to the mites but safe for the rabbit. Left untreated it can lead to more complicated illness's.
A rabbit with a bald patch of course!

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