Sunday, January 24, 2010

I think my rabbit may have contracted pink eye; how can I treat it?

His eyes are usually out from his head just a little bit. One eye is, and the other is sunken into his head with some build up around it. When I open his eye a little bit, the membrane(?) is swollen over his eye but then it goes back around his eye.

How can I treat this without a visit to the vet, if I can at all?I think my rabbit may have contracted pink eye; how can I treat it?
Rabbits can get many different kinds of eye';infections';

Most breeders keep a few things on hand to treat these problems. One of them is simple saline solution (like for contact lenses) to clean the eyes without irratation.

The next thing is Terramycin ointment, this is an eye ointment used for treating things like pink-eye. It can be purchased at Tractor Supply and other farm type stores. The last thing is Penicillan or Pen-G this is also available at Tractor Supply and most feed stores. with this you need to draw it out of the bottle with a needle and syringe, remove the needle and place 2-3 drops in the infected eye.

With any type of treatment you must treat it over the course of 1-2 weeks everyday 1-2 times a day.

If you are not confident in treating the rabbit yourself then a trip to the vet may be your only choice. But as I said most breeders do not run to the vet everytime one of their rabbits gets an illness. We ask experienced people (vets, long-time breeders, judges,etc) what they do and then we follow their advice.

Hope I helped you. If you have more questions you can email me privately.I think my rabbit may have contracted pink eye; how can I treat it?
I can't suggest that you use any antibiotic eye drops or antibiotic ear drops that you have left over; because you are supposed to throw them away after use. alternative Aereomycin powder(chlortetracycline) mixed with water; about 1 teaspoon per liter. You can purchase a packet at Tractor Supply or similar store. Isolate the rabbit if you truly believe it is pinkeye. Wash your hands after every contact near items in or around the cage.
The best way to treat pink eye is to go to the vet. He/she will give you a medicine called terramycin, or something similar. It has the consistency of neosporin and you apply it to your pets eye using a q-tip. It's very important that you get this cleared up.
Well if it has pink eye I don't think you can do anything but bring it to a vet. Pink eye is a bacterial infection so you would need to get antibiotics for it.

Do it soon if you can. When bunnies get sick they don't want to eat and end up dying. =(
he needs baytril which you have to get from a vet it will spread to his respitory system if you don't get it treated
go to the vet, it is better for the rabbit.
go 2 the vet

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