Saturday, January 23, 2010

Why does my rabbit keep runing away from me?

I can understand why he would run away form me when I try to pick him up but I cant even feed him now without him running away! I love Dusty and I wish he wasn't so timid!Why does my rabbit keep runing away from me?
I say, take him to a small area where he can't escape you. Get down to his level(sit on the floor) speak quietly.Let him smell you. This will take a few times to get him used to you. I wouldn't try to pet him at first. A bathroom floor would be pretty good.Why does my rabbit keep runing away from me?
when did he come home? feeding him:if he has cage quicly open the close it. Love him:once he is out catch him then dont put him away just sit and love him and kiss him
He might have had a rough time at the place he came from, or during his baby kit weeks. Maybe he needs more attention from you.
Your bunny is just a bit scared, thats all. Give him lots of love and attention.

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