Sunday, January 24, 2010

Why does my rabbit scratch at night time?

I've recently got a new rabbit, and she's all fun and playful and nice to be with. However, I've noticed at night time and she has the habit of scratching the floor of her box over and over. Is there any reason that she does this?Why does my rabbit scratch at night time?
Rabbits are crepuscular by nature which means they are active mainly at dawn and dusk so unless you around at these times you may find that overnight she moves things around and has a good old dig around.

Sometimes females show digging behaviour when they reach sexual maturity fully at around 5/6 months of age and want to mate. They get all broody and practice making a nest but a baby wouldn't be doing this.

Otherwise if you are worried you could try putting a few toys in there to keep her amused whilst you are not there incase she is partially doing it through boredom although it is normal for them to scratch around up to a point and each rabbit has it's only little whims!

Hope this helps :)Why does my rabbit scratch at night time?
My rabbit scratches at the ground sometimes as well. It is instinct for a rabbit to want to burrow, especially at night as this is when they would burrow underground to sleep. Your rabbit may also be trying to arrange her bed - my rabbit scratches and pushes about his straw before he gets comfortable at night.
Its natural. Rabbits burrow in the wild, and domesticated rabbits still do. Its instinct. Its also her way of keeping her nails short. But watch her nails, if they get too long and she digs, she could rip one out at the quick.
It wants to burrow.. They do that at night because it is like us getting into bed. It wants to make a place to sleep. It is completely natural.. You can train them not to do it.
Rabbits are very loud creatures.

They dig, scratch, thump, chew loudly, toss toys around, etc.

NEVER have a rabbit in your room when you're trying to sleep. It's HORRIBLE!
Rabbits naturally want to burrow. It just her instincts.
this is because rabbits natrully burrow

zoe babe..x

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