Sunday, January 24, 2010

Why does my rabbit head butt me and then nip me?

Sometimes, if I am sitting on the ground, he head butts my hips, and then sometimes nips me. Not only does it startle me, it also hurts! I don't think he's doing it because he is scared, because I am not doing anything except occasionally petting his head when he does this. Furthermore, he has tons of room to run, it's not like he is cornered. I don't know what to do to make him stop. He's neutered, and he likes being held. Can anyone shed some light on this for me?Why does my rabbit head butt me and then nip me?
May be trying to get your attention. When he does it, press his head very very gently to the ground with two fingers, and say 'no' firmly but softly, then release him. They aren't stupid animals, so he should pick up on the fact that it's not acceptable. A companion may also help by giving him an alternate source of attention and affection.Why does my rabbit head butt me and then nip me?
This is a sign of affection. This is natural behavior for a rabbit and it is unlikely you will get him to stop.
'Headbutting' is a rabbits way of trying to get mroe affection and attention from you more petting, most rabbits nip soem cant help it. Try to pkay and pet your bunny alot more x
Sounds like he's doing it because he wants more attention than you're giving him at the time.
Your rabitt is butting you becuse maybe thats his way of commuincating with you.
He doesn't like you. He thinks you boss him around too much.
The only thing I can think of is that he needs more social interaction with an animal his own size. I have an adult (un-neutered) flemish giant that LOVES attention from people, but also LOVES the attention he gets from my small dogs and cat. They are all about the same size and all four of them run around chasing each other in the back yard. I think it's that kind of playful interaction that can help relieve some pent-up energy and stress that he just can't get from a big human.

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