Sunday, January 24, 2010

What should I do about the neighbors dog that just killed my 7 year olds pet Rabbit?

this dog is a major pest the owners don't care they let both dogs run loose, my husband wants to shoot it but I can't deal with that. how do I approach the neighbors to keep it in their yard? we are in a rural settin not a sub-division. It is a beagle then along with him comes their Golden Retreiver. I am not against dogs I am a dog owner to, but I have mine inside.What should I do about the neighbors dog that just killed my 7 year olds pet Rabbit?
I feel your pain. Losing a pet is hard and so is having to explain it to your child. Try to think it out clearly, though. As people have said before me, these dogs have hunting instincts and chasing and killing rabbits is a normal dog thing to do. Don't kill the dogs. It is much worse for a person to purposely shoot a dog, then for a dog to act on a natural impulse to chase down and kill rabbits. Plus, think of what that action will teach your 7-year-old on how they should handle their anger towards other living things.

Were your neighbors notified that their dogs were becoming problems before this? In a rural area with a larger property, they might not have known their dogs have a tendency to wander.

Basically, you should've told your neighbors before that their dogs have been unwelcome tresspassers on your property. If you did, then yes, they should've fixed the problem and since it still happened, they should do something to make it up to your child.

If the dogs come on your property in the future, tie the dogs and then call your neighbor to come and get them. After enough phone calls, they'll get sick of having to walk/drive over. Then they'll see it as their own advantage to keep their dogs under control.What should I do about the neighbors dog that just killed my 7 year olds pet Rabbit?
Poor rabbit.

Complain about the dog, it can be even done on-line, search for your country government, they will have all the needed links.
If these dogs are creating serious problems, i.e. killing your pet rabbit, what is to stop them from hurting your 7 year old? I would call animal control if talking to the neighbors gets you no where.
Have you tried speaking with the dogs owner? Perhaps they aren't aware the trouble their dogs are causing you. I think it's a major issue that you have to talk to them about if their dogs killed your pet rabbit!

If they are responsible pet owners, they should care enough to make sure their dogs aren't trouble for anyone around them. If situations don't improve, take pictures of what their dogs are doing on your property and talk to them again. As a final method if things don't get resolved, call animal control and show them your proof. Of course, this would be bad for your relationship with your neighbour but if they are such terrible pet owners, they should not deserve to have them.
they say that the taste of revenge is bittersweet, but rabbits find it to their liking
It's in the dog's nature to hunt, I don't think killing it would be a good solution. The dog is not responsible for your rabbit's death, but its owner.
The only thing you can do is talk to them. Bring baked goods and have a chat. Talking over muffins or cookies puts everyone in a good mood.

Suggest solutions.

Don't accuse them of anything.

Suggest an Invisible Fence. Either to keep them in their yard, or out of yours.

Maybe a few neighbors will come with you and chip in to the cost of the solutions.

good luck
report to them to humane serivices or call a dog pound and tell them that you are having trouble with some dogs that are running loose and ask them toi please take care of it.
Call animal control and the police. There shouldn't never been a reason for the dog to have been close to the rabbit.
befor I help you I have to now why was your rabbit out of your house because the dog is only doing what he I think you should grive over your lose and for give the dog not for get. (that reminds me of the time I whint to my unkals house and I was young and I when in with out anyone and that is the day I got bit but it wasnt the dogs falt it was mine for going in with out asking my unkil first)
There are laws about keeping dogs on a leash so you can call the authorities
just be diplomatic about it. Tell your neighbor what happen and they should definitely change what they are doing, because most people will be very apologetic. If that doesn't change what is going on then threaten to take them to small claims court, or next time their dog comes in your lawn then call the animal control and report the dogs as strays on your lawn. But definitely don't shoot the dogs b/c its not the dogs fault its the owner responsibility, and besides i don't think you want to make an enemy your neighbor.
If you cannot approach your neighbor, then call the local pound on them. You should also report the killing of your rabbit to the local police, so that they are aware of the problem. They will probably go to your neighbor and tell them that they have to keep their dogs under control, as a warning. They may even issue a citation to them for letting their dogs run wild.
Call your local animal enforcement, and the police. They will cite the owner, and hopefully put the dog to sleep. Once they taste blood, there is no turning back.
Call the sheriff (who may direct you to animal control) and report what happened. If you haven't already buried it, take a photo of the rabbit.

Even nice dogs that are allowed to run around will form packs and pull down livestock and sometimes attack people -- especially small children. When the dogs kill something, they become more confirmed in the habit and more bold.

I think the sheriff will take your complaint very seriously and your problem will be solved promptly. I don't know where you live, but here the people who own the offending dogs do not have to know who filed the complaint.

I understand that you like dogs, but don't let your concern about what might happen to the dogs stop you from making the call. This problem will not fix itself, will probably get worse and could end in tragedy.
well your rabbit has already gone to bunny heaven..unless he was a baaaaad bunny. ask the neighbors to pay for a new bunny, that's all you can really do. because you do live in a remote area, pets usually revert back to a more primitave/wild state and they will kill each other! You can't expect your neighbors to live their lives around your personal need to want a rabbit. so.. be nice and just ask them to replace it. ..the same could have happened if you had cats or a dog outside and their paths had met along the side of the fence.. ..shi*..uh....stuff happens!!
If the dog was running loose you may be able to do something however...this is natural for a dog. Why was the Bunnie running loose?
Phone Animal Control And Tell ehhmm
my suggestion is that you take your seven year old over there and tell them that they owe you a new rabbit, although if they let their dogs run loose they dont much care and will blow you off. if this happens , which from your description it most likely will, another option is civil court and make the demand that they be court ordered to keep their dogs on a tie out or in a fenced yard. i hope that you will not be reduced to this because it will most likely cause negative emotions between you and your neighbor, if there already isnt. good luck and i hope this helps.
You should DEFINITELY call animal control %26amp; the sheriff immediately!!

I am also a dog lover. I have seven of my own. But you can bet that NONE of my dogs are ever loose %26amp; in the neighbor's yards %26amp; killing little children's pet rabbits!

That's horrible.

If this dog like killing things, then he is a menace. Animal control %26amp; the sheriff will make SURE that the owner is sited.

By the way, they also owe you a new rabbit. I would call them %26amp; nicely inform them of what their dog has done %26amp; tell them how much the rabbit cost %26amp; ask when they will be by with the money.

DO NOT feel bad about this. You have done nothing wrong. If the are anywhere NEAR normal people, they'll feel bad %26amp; will be right over to apologize %26amp; pay for your child's rabbit.

And hopefully their dog will be kept controlled from now on.

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