Saturday, January 16, 2010

How do you know when a rabbit is preagnant and How long does it take them to have them??

I have 2 rabbits they have been, well ya know, I seen on the internet it says 28 days for the rabbit to have her babies, but I have seen nothing yet !! Help !!How do you know when a rabbit is preagnant and How long does it take them to have them??
Rabbits are pregnant for 31 days and the easy way to see if she is carrying kittens is to let the buck try and mate again.

If the female refuses to allow the male to mate she is pregnant.

If she allows him to mount she isn't and you must remove him before he completes.

Males and females should be housed seperatley and the babies should be split from mum at six to seven weeks old.

Only breed rabbits if you know that you have somehwere for them to go at seven to eight weeks.

I have bred rabbits for over 30 years and now own a pet store do you know when a rabbit is preagnant and How long does it take them to have them??
about a mounth 31-33 days any longer then a vet check is needed.

and i hope u have removed the male (as u did not say if u had) as mom should be left with babies by herself.

u should think about maby getting him fixed as he will just keep breeding and if u keep any of the babies they will breed with the parients.(which aint a good idea)

good luck
A rabbit has a 28-32 day gestation period. Normally the rabbit will have them right at 30 days. At 28 days is when you should stick in the nest box. If the rabbit doesn't have them by the end of 32 days, she will not have babies.

Rarely does a rabbit ever have them at 28 or 32 days. Normally it's right at 30.

There are several ways you can check. At 14 days you can palpate and feel the stomach for the babies. They should be round and about the size of a marble.

After about 3 days, you can attempt mating the doe back with the buck. If she acts different than the first mating such as she fights the buck or will run around and is grunting, she is probably bred. Finally, just watch the tummy. As they near the end of their gestation period their tummy starts hanging down and bulging like any pregnant animal's does.

If you still have trouble. Try monitoring the weight. The doe should gain a half pound to a pound or more in weight during the gestation period depending on the size of the rabbit.
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