I bought a netherland dwarf yesterday, male and hes only just started to poo on my wonderful bean bag! I want him to poo and pee in his cardboard box, but he seems to prefer the 拢300 leather luxury.
Also, how do i praise him, or even scold him if he does something right or wrong?
Sometimes he tries to jump out of my arms, and i dont let him so he bites me. How can i stop this?
Thanks soo much in advance!!!How can i praise and potty train my rabbit?
Hello, I have had many pet rabbits and really enjoy them. I have also had great success at litter training. Rabbits are relatively easy to train because their natural instinct is to poop only in one spot in the wild (underground or above ground). I believe that this reduces the chances of being sniffed out by predators. Anway, I found that what works the best is to have a small litter box in the cage with shavings or litter. Keep picking up poops and putting them in the box and/or move the box to the corner of the cage that the rabbit seems to want to go in. After that, you can add a litter box outside of the cage - but don't give the bunny full range of the house. Start small so he knows where to go. I had the best luck by having a cage with a side door so that the rabbit could actually hop back into it's cage to go to the washroom. Some of my rabbits liked to eat their hay in their litter box or in a wire rack hanging above it. One last thing, I found that male rabbits still left poops here and there once they were sexually mature. This is to leave signs for females. Female rabbits don't do this - but they will ';mark'; if there is another rabbit around. This is a yucky thing - not marking with the rubbing of the chin but marking with a urine type of substance. Yucky. The very best thing for your pet is probably to be neutered or spayed. This should curb the marking by poop or otherwise. Male rabbits will also start to get affectionate with things like pillows or stuffed animals. You have to feel bad for them with all that ';energy';.
Anyway, hope this helps.
Oh, as for biting...not all bunnies like to be held. Most don't. They are at the bottom of the food chain and always want to be alert. They do not like to feel vulnerable. You could maybe use a water bottle to squirt him if he does something but at first it is probably best to be little gentle and patient. If he is in the habit of going on your leather, it might be hard to break. I would do as I suggested above with starting with the cage and giving him a bit more room. You might have to contain him to a kitchen or washroom. Rabbits can be really bad for chewing furniture and wires. There are a couple of rabbit clubs with lots of info on their websites.How can i praise and potty train my rabbit?
Weeellllll.... Get a rabbit cage and put a rabbit litter pan in the corner. you can find these at pet stores. Praise him with rabbit treats like dried fruit, nuts, seeds, flowers (only if he is old enough). Discipline him with a spray of water from a water bottle. And you don't need to hold the rabbit all the time. If he wants down, let him down! You can either put him in the cage or buy a special rabbit collar, leash, or harness so that he can explore.
omg people people first off yes a bunny can be potty trained. Go get a cage and litter box at the store fill it with hay or bedding and put him in it and he will go in it. you can praise all you want but remember a bunnies brain is like a bird's not much up there so they really don't know what praise is! and I see one said give him fruits and nuts. DONT do this stay away from sugarier foods and never give them nuts! bunnies don't handle starchy foods well. give him hay and pellets along with water in his cage and you will have a happy bunny!!
when my rrabbit bites me i put him back into his cage, that usually means hes scared. for some reason, i dont know why, but he only ';goes'; in two corners of his cage. i think they potty train themselves. give them bunny treats when there good, theyll get the vitamins they need from them. when there bad put them into there cage. you also have to let them run around during the day to get there excersise.
when they try jumping out of your arms then bite you, then there scared and they want to be in a place where they can feel more secure.
Maybe an animal psychologist could help, but I'm not sure you CAN potty train a rabbit; rabbits don't have the instinct to hide or avoid their feces as cats and dogs do. They naturally just go whenever and wherever they need to.
I have a rabbit and he poos in a corner when they get used to there surroundings they do it in one place
Give him a carrot (or other treat) whenever he does something good/right! :)
HEY HUn, just *** to school. is zgood
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